27 Aug Back to School CAN be Stress Free This Year!
I hope you have been finding ways to escape this recent heat and enjoy the end of summer! It is hard to believe that fall distance learning will be in full swing by the end of this week for all of our kids! I wish you all good luck, unwavering patience, and a well-stocked wine fridge!!
In all seriousness, I know this is going to be a challenging time for many, particularly those households with parents juggling full-time work and children at home navigating distance learning.
While working from home seems convenient, constant interruptions, and the stress of a (visible) out of control to-do list can be detrimental to anyone’s working day!!

North County Concierge’s Personal Assistance Service can help you focus by tackling your to-do list, enabling you to have the time you need to give 100% to your work and your family.
It’s amazing how much an extra pair of hands can accomplish in just a few hours a week! Whether it’s running errands, managing home projects, grocery runs, meal prep (or even laundry!), a Personal Concierge can make a significant difference in how well you are able to manage this new normal!
If you know anyone that may benefit from a little extra help at this time, I would love to talk to them. We love (and reward) referrals! We have a number of different packages and memberships available to suit every budget. If you would like a taster session to check out our services and see what we can do for you, we have a limited time offer available!
Back to School Special – 3 hours for $105! (one session) available for new clients only!
Please reach out if we can help in any way!
With love & support,