01 Dec Tips For a Stress Free Holiday Season!
The holidays are upon us and this is by far our favorite time of the year! We love all things holiday related…the movies, the music, the lights and decorations, gift giving, parties, all the spirit of the season!
Sadly due to Covid-19, this year is going to look different for us all and many families may have already dealt with so much stress. Getting organized and excited for the holidays may seem more challenging than normal!
The holidays don’t need to invoke panic. Here are a few ways to help ensure a stress free holiday season!
Our number one tip during the holiday season is planning. Think about what tasks you can get done early and schedule dates on your calendar. By doing this you will have plenty of time left to relax and savor the season with your family, instead of rushing around at the last minute. Some of the tasks that can be completed now might include…
Deep cleaning and decluttering – tackle this now and you will be ready for guests and you will have space in your home for all the yummy holiday food and new gifts! Areas to concentrate on may include the kids playroom or bedrooms, the guest bedroom, and the pantry. (See our Instagram page for some pantry re-organizing with clients.)
Holiday shopping – this year more than ever, is a great time to shop local and show support to small business owners in our community. Make a list of everyone you need to buy for, your budget, any items you may have already purchased (and hidden!) throughout the year, and gift ideas you already have for each person. Try and make your local shops or online businesses your first go-to to fulfil your lists.
Plan out your meals – what items can be purchased ahead of time and what fresh items need to be bought a couple of days before? Make your lists and try to schedule less busy times to go to the store. One silver lining of hosting just your family this year, could be the opportunity to go all out on some fancy recipes, much easier to do when feeding a smaller number of people!
Gift wrapping – check your supplies and make sure you have everything you need on hand so you’re not scrambling a day or two before! Consider wrapping gifts as you buy them, instead of trying to manage it all in one session. This saves the wrapping fatigue and the realization the night before your gift giving day that you don’t have enough supplies and need to high tail it to the store again!
The holidays are a time to come together with friends and family, not a time for stress. By planning early you are able to eliminate the overwhelm you may have felt if you waited until the last minute to do everything.
Our mission at North County Concierge is to bring back joy and banish stress during the holiday season. We love this time of year and the bonus opportunity to help our clients have a more relaxed festive season by taking care of all or some of their holiday needs. There are many ways a Personal Assistant can help you during this busy time of year…

If you’re ready to let us tackle your holiday to-do list, while you focus on the joy of the holidays, you can call us at (858) 220-5921 or email vicki@northcountyconcierge.com for more info about our Holiday Elf Package, it is just $120 for a 3 hour block of time!
This offer is available for purchase until 12/24/20 and must be used by 1/31/21. No limit on the number purchased. Gift certificates available.
If you or anyone you know could use a little elf magic to create more time and less overwhelm this holiday season, we would love to connect with them. This promo is also a great way for new clients to try out our services!
With a little “elf help” it really can still be a wonderful, relaxing and magical time of the year!